Sep 28, 2020
This week I build on last week’s theme of focusing on what sustains our soul by sharing a recent magical moment that I am calling “Swan-Delight”. When we pause, pay attention and share these soul sustaining moments, it helps to absorb more fully, their deeper meaning. Just as there is a universal law of gravity,...
Sep 21, 2020
A couple of days ago, Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. What a tragic loss for our country, for our democracy and the soul of our nation! I am heartbroken and join millions of Americans in honoring her impressive legacy; she was a true American hero, relentlessly fighting for equal justice under...
Sep 14, 2020
My guest today is Sharon Charde. Sharon is a poet, teacher and author, who recently published a heartfelt, beautifully written book “I Am Not A Juvenile Delinquent: How Poetry Changed a Group of At Risk Young Women”. For over a decade Sharon volunteered as a poetry teacher at a residential treatment facility for...