Jun 8, 2020
My guest today is Jamie Surya. Jamie
is a yoga instructor, owner of her own yoga studio and a revered
community builder. Jamie was drawn to yoga at a very vulnerable
time in her life, when she was struggling with anxiety and
depression. Yoga shifted and profoundly transformed Jamie’s life so
she is devoted to sharing the practice with others. Rooted in a
reverence for the ancient philosophy and practice of yoga, Jamie
adds her modern twist. After completing her yoga teacher training
in 2011, Jamie channeled a fearless determination she didn’t know
she had. A year later, at the age of 20, Jamie opened her own yoga
studio, with the loving support of her family and the new family
she created in the community.
Jamie advocates for human rights, animal rights, and takes a stand
against injustice in many forms. Her passion, purity and purpose
penetrate through her being; you can feel her love for teaching
yoga in her presence and in the stories she shares. Please check
out the show notes for links to Jamie’s website:
and social media presence, as well as the organizations she
partners with and supports. Enjoy the podcast!
jamie surya yoga
Love Your Brain
Center For Safety &
Rockland County Pride
Hi-Tor Animal