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Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Aug 15, 2022

On this week’s episode, I acknowledge the stories we tell ourselves. You know those narratives we create that can be so convincing, we actually believe it wholeheartedly. Well, I have to laugh at myself for the narrative I recently created.  I’m calling this one “Big Fish!”

Think of all the narratives we create in our minds, assumptions we make, stories we tell ourselves that then stir up emotions, that then direct our behavior. Note to self: check in with the story! Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it helpful? Does it generate angst or inner peace? It certainly takes mindfulness and intention and discipline to catch ourselves when we’ve created a dramatic narrative, to hold ourselves accountable to the stories we tell ourselves. May this silly story be a reminder to be present to what is, with acceptance, to invest in positive, playful possibilities. Here’s to being patient with uncertainty, to not needing to know all the details. Enjoy the podcast!