Jan 30, 2023
This week I feature my new best
friend, who takes slowing down to a whole new level. While visiting
our dear friends Hilary and Carlo in their Massachusetts cabin in
the woods, I bonded with their sweet pet bird, Nugget. Nugget, is
an orange breasted wax bill, a tiny, precious bird in the finch
family. Nugget is teeny, weighs 7 grams and is just over 2 inches
long. This adorable 2 inch finch reminds me that there is nothing
more important than the present moment. And when Nugget rests on my
finger or wrist, I can’t help but drop into full presence.
These winter days are a great opportunity to slow down, rest, and
honor the hibernation that the season calls us into. What winter
rituals help you slow down? What Nugget-like reminders calms and
quiets you? May we let the wonders of little nuggets offer us
unexpected gifts to bring us into a deeper presence. Enjoy the
Sweeney’s podcast episode
Pellegrini’s podcast episode