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Enlighten: Uplift & Inspire

Sep 3, 2018

My guest today is Shawna Emerick. Shawna is a dancer, gifted yoga teacher, retreat leader, and although we didn’t talk about it in this conversation, she is also a Thai massage practitioner and life coach. We first met dancing together in the performance company Moving Mantras, which blended modern dance and yoga. I soon discovered Shawna’s unique gifts as an outstanding yoga teacher. She utilizes her knowledge of anatomy, with verbal cues that are expressed like poetry, she embraces yoga philosophy, while modeling vulnerability and authenticity, she blends a childlike curiosity with her mature spiritual groundedness, making Shawna one of my all time favorite teachers.

Shawna was a treasured participant in a group I ran 6 years ago, called “Cultivating Sacred Activists” which culminated in a 2 week volunteer trip to Malawi, Africa to support Anna Msowoya-Keys’s organization Maloto, which addresses the needs of AIDS orphans. (Please check out Anna’s podcast conversation with me -
episode #9 in your podcast feed).  Shawna beautifully describes what that experience meant to her.

Soon after our return, her boyfriend Geoffrey proposed to Shawna - I guess distance DOES makes the heart grow fonder! She lists all that she admires and loves in Geoffrey and what it has been like to raise their sweet 3 year old, son Max. Shawna openly shares the heartache from her miscarriage, having discovered that miscarriages are one of life’s silent sufferers. She has bonded with other women and found great supports in the grieving and healing process. I know you will be inspired by Shawna’s empathy and wisdom.

Enjoy the podcast!
