Dec 9, 2019
My guest today is Nicki Denner. Nicki is a passionate pianist,
composer, educator and musical director, oh and lest I forget, a
tap dancer! Raised in Wisconsin, without examples of what a
professional musician looked like, Nicki attended college at
University of Minnesota, negating her passion for music and
initially majoring in French and Political Science; majors she
thought would lead to practical careers. However, the universe
conspired to support her to reconnect with her love of music,
through the underground tunnels connecting the music building to
her dorm.
Switching her major to music education, Nicki appreciates the
unique skills she learned from conducting and the sensitivity she
has for all instruments, both have served her well as a composer
and musical director. Nicki tells synchronistic stories of musical
doors that opened for her; her determination to nurture her skills
and gifts at piano, dedication to learn jazz and eagerness to say
yes to all sorts of music experiences. Nicki marvels at how
naturally Latin music resonates for her and the awesome opportunity
to co-create Cocomama, the vibrant, all-female band that
plays their own version of World Latin Music.
Check out the show notes to find Nicki’s website,
Cocomama’s website and the current Kickstarter
campaign Cocomama is launching. Enjoy the
Cocomamma Kickstarter Campaign